How do you introduce a book that is life-changing, at least to me, or, better said, life-giving?
I wrote this book two years after my relationship broke up. Ever since I have been in pieces. The daily crying stopped a couple of months ago, but I felt not myself and out of the flow. I had aged immensely, and many things were going wrong.
Even though I had been working day and night, with all the techniques that I knew and I had asked for help from many other alternative therapists, I had not been able to turn the tide.
This book is about a 12—to 13-day process I went through starting on January 7, 2025.
You might know about the 12 Holy Nights. An old Norwegian tradition says that the veil between life on Earth and the Spirit World is thinner between Christmas on December 24th and Epiphany on January 6th.
It is a tradition to write down your dreams every night, and they will predict your next year. So, the dream on the 24th of December tells the story of January in the coming year, and the dream on the 25th of December tells the story of February.
I started late—after the last day of this cycle—but I felt it had the same meaning. I monitored not only my dreams and my time in bed; I also paid attention to the synchronicities during the day, the remarks of people, the animals I met, and the videos on YouTube that opened in my feed. They all had messages.
My last book is ‘12 Completion’. It is about systems made of 12. As I studied this topic, even after the book was published, I discovered that 12 might not be the correct completion number. It was Jesus and the 12 disciples, and there are 13 moons in a year. The word month comes from the word moon.
This book has 13 chapters. I did not know this when I started writing; it just turned out that way. And I would not have missed the 13th chapter in The World.
In my case, the first chapter is not about January but about the first 28 days of the year, the first moon cycle of the year.
I don't know if you did the 12 Holy Nights ritual this year. If not, you might want to do it next year. Put it on your agenda. It is a chance for your Subconscious Mind to speak to you, to wake you up to the things ahead, and to prepare you for your next year of growth and joy.
Thank you for being here and taking the time to read my 13th book. If you are new to my work, buckle up! My creative mind goes all over the map in one chapter. Usually, I tell my readers to start anywhere. This time, I advise you to start here and work through the book until the end. When you have read it once, you can open the book wherever it feels good and just read a paragraph. You will get the message.
If you have questions after reading this book, please get in touch with me. It is a spiritual book with many known subjects and maybe, to you, many unknown ones. In the Bibliography, I will direct you to my source of information if it comes from this Plane. If it does not come from Earth but, say, from Spirit, just trust your gut feeling. If it feels true to you, then it is. If it does not, then find out what your truth is.
I wish you a fascinating journey as you move with me over the pages on my healing journey back to life.
I wish you the best.
Much love, Merel Slotboom