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Sex-it Up!

`About the birds and the bees´

Esther Storm • Boek • paperback

  • Samenvatting
    In this Modern world where we are focused on success around material and financial matters, we sometimes lose something very precious out of our sight. The Art of sex and relationships becomes a part that unwillingly becomes forgotten. How others see us, wearing a mask for the outside world and hiding feelings, becomes more and more a normal aspect in our lives. But we all have needs and we all want to be loved and seen. So, we tend to have temporarily moments with others, and we try to fill this gap or emptiness, with brief and shallow contacts. Those are like sand in our hands. Loneliness is one of the biggest problems in this world. For a while, I was thinking about writing a little handout about this subject. In the past, many books are already written about the sex-life between humans. My intention is to write about things that are still unsaid, sensitive things, perhaps ashamed to admit or hard to discuss with our loved ones openly. Personal, I do not think, we are living a happy live, when certain things stay hidden, and we assume, we cannot share or speak about it. With this little book, sharing my thoughts, experiences, and even shortcomings, I want to inspire and advise people, because a great sex-life brings good energy and vibes in Our Existence, touching every part of our body and mind. Especially written for young men and women, caught between doubts of staying single and trying to find more fulfilment with someone you (secretly) love. Esther has also written `De hoer van Babylon´, her first autobiographic novel with a twist of unashamed naughtiness.
  • Productinformatie
    Binding : Paperback
    Distributievorm : Boek (print, druk)
    Formaat : 114mm x 162mm
    Aantal pagina's : 113
    Uitgeverij : Esther Silooy
    ISBN : 9789464818666
    Datum publicatie : 04-2024
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I used to be a sweet girl, who was incredibly faithful to a man, loyal, and consistent, now everything seemed to happen to me. As if there was a lot to catch up on.
It took me another decade to abandon most of my old norms and values after I gradually let go of them over the years.

In my generation, women were supposed to be pure and virginal, and sex was something that only men could enjoy. Where you only slept with a man if there was also a future marriage in store for you. Where women didn't get the chance or even were forbidden to discover the world of love and the variety of men and their different personalities.
The first man who showed you any interest was instantly viewed as a potential lifelong partner.
But is this a wise thing to do?
Most marriages or relationships fail over time, due to a lack of real attention for each other and probably also because you may have stepped into a marriage too soon.
What do you know about life when you are still young? Who are you, how well do you know yourself and what do you want in this life?
The romantic image that was presented to us was also enhanced by the many beautiful fairy tales such as Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Little Red Riding Hood, though the last story is full of naughtiness and desire.