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The synergy between minerals and important physiological processes

Elizabeth Louise Hutjes • Boek • paperback

  • Samenvatting
    When working with minerals as food supplements, it is important to realise that one of them may directly or indirectly affect the functionality of the others. However, they have multiple functions. Minerals are essential for the production of antioxidants, vitamins, proteins, enzymes, fatty acids, and hormones. A lack of minerals will result in a deficiency of those very substances that are crucial for our body and our health. Many books of course have been published that describe the consequences of mineral deficiencies for people's health, and therefore those who wish to learn more about this subject can consult the available literature. Until now, however, no book has focused entirely on how essential minerals can best be used as supplements in order to be made full use of by the body. This important and still under-exposed topic is therefore the central theme of the present book. Elizabeth Louise Hutjes is an Orthomolecular Specialist Heeft u een mineraaltekort en verdwijnt dit tekort niet ondanks het gebruik van voedingssupplementen? Dit boek biedt nieuwe inzichten in zowel de oorzaak als oplossing van dit probleem. De auteur verstrekt de lezer een schat aan wetenschappelijk gefundeerde informatie over de synergie tussen mineralen en beschrijft in heldere taal de wijze waarop essentiƫle mineralen als supplement het beste kunnen worden ingezet willen ze door het lichaam ook goed benut kunnen worden. Het boek De synergie tussen mineralen en belangrijke lichaamsprocessen bevat een rijke bron aan nieuwe inzichten die zeer zeker van betekenis voor iedereen met belangstelling voor een gezonde levensstijl en voor wie overweegt voedingssupplementen te adviseren of te gebruiken. Het kan dienen als lesmateriaal voor professionals in de gezondheidszorg en als handig naslagwerk bij het inzetten van mineralen als voedingssupplement.

  • Productinformatie
    Binding : Paperback
    Distributievorm : Boek (print, druk)
    Formaat : 204mm x 254mm
    Aantal pagina's : 124
    Uitgeverij : Energy Life & Health
    ISBN : 9789082910834
    Datum publicatie : 04-2019
  • Inhoudsopgave
    Table of contents Introduction 7 Using minerals is custom work 8 Information about minerals put into perspective 11 Chapter 1 The synergy between minerals and important physiological processes 13 Chapter 2 The essential minerals from the scheme explained one by one 17 Chapter 3 The fundamental effects of silicon on essential minerals 18 Chapter 4 The synergistic effects between boron and essential minerals 28 Chapter 5 The synergistic effects between molybdenum and essential minerals 34 Chapter 6 The synergistic effects between sulphur and essential minerals 44 Chapter 7 The synergistic effects between phosphorus and essential minerals 48 Chapter 8 The synergistic effects between calcium and essential minerals 52 Chapter 9 The synergistic effects between magnesium and essential minerals 57 Chapter 10 The synergistic effects between manganese and essential minerals 63 Chapter 11 The synergistic effects between copper and essential minerals 70 Chapter 12 The synergistic effects between zinc and essential minerals 76 Chapter 13 The synergistic effects between iron and essential minerals 80 Chapter 14 The synergistic effects between iodine and essential minerals 86 Chapter 15 The synergistic effects between selenium and essential minerals 92 Chapter 16 The synergistic effects between chromium and essential minerals 98 Chapter 17 The synergistic effects between potassium and essential minerals 103 Chapter 18 The synergistic effects between sodium and essential minerals 108 Chapter 19 The synergistic effects between chloride and essential minerals 112 Testing minerals 114 Epilogue 116 References 119
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